Sister Tag!

     This Thursday's post is about a sister tag I filmed with my sister, Eme. Fair warning, the video is filled with lots of giggling as we were just have a great time and being silly with the questions. We had such a great time filming and as you can probably tell from the video, we get along really well!

     Just to let you know, this video is a two-part video. Eme will be posting the first half on her channel (it will be linked in the description of my video) and I posted the second half. Something people might not know is that I am a huge fan of youtube. I have been following many YouTubers for quite a few years now and I've always wanted to make my own videos, so now that I've actually started posting my own videos, I am super thrilled. I really hope you enjoy them, as I had a fun time making them:)

     I hope you guys have a great week and definitely check back on Tuesday as I am planning some new stuff for next week! As always, if there is anything you guys would like me to blog about, leave me a comment. Talk to you guys soon!



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