February Recap 2016

     February has really flown by, but I'd say that it had a lot to do with how busy I've been for the month. February has definitely been the month of friends, as I've had the chance to catch up with many of my different friend groups. It has also been a month of changing routines, as I've become more of a morning person ( shocking I know). I think the latest I've gotten up all month has been 9:00 A.M. and that is pretty incredible for me. I also challenged myself to take way more pictures this month so that this post would be a bit more exciting than the last one (sorry!) and I think I did a pretty good job. Overall, I really enjoyed how February felt, as I felt incredibly loved and I couldn't have spent the month better than to have spent it with the people that I love<3


     -The month began pretty chill and one of the first things that I did was have a paint night with some of the girls from work. We met at one of the girls' houses and then we just drank and painted. I have never really been an artist (although I do make some pretty sweet stick figures) but it was just fun to pursue my creative side and see what I could come up with. I found a quote that I loved on Pinterest and decided to paint that. I wanted to go for a Kate Spade inspired piece so naturally, the gold dots were a must have. I traced out the larger dots and I kind of regret doing that as I couldn't completely erase the pencil marks, but I still love how the piece turned out.
My masterpiece;)
     My friend Crystal really kicked butt, though. She painted a Blackhawks inspired piece and I absolutely loved it! 

- February also held quite a few trips to the fabric store with my mom. There's this one up in Evanston ( For my non-Chicagoans, It's a town slightly north of Chicago) that has a huge selection of fabrics, so on a few of my days off, we took a little road trip up there. I picked out a couple fabrics as well, and my mom is going to make me some skirts. I love spending time with my momma so of course, the trip was just great in itself. 

- My Best Friend, Elida, came back from her trip to Mexico at the end of January, so I had to see her. We met up for dinner and then just went exploring. We found a cute pet shop that we popped into. She's a big animal lover. so she was in heaven. Afterwards, we just roamed the mall. She's a spontaneous person, so she decided she wanted to get her ears double pierced. Of course, I was there for moral support, but when I snapped the pic below, the fear in her face was pretty priceless. She said it didn't hurt too much, but it was still pretty funny. 

- Then, on Superbowl Sunday, I got the chance to catch up with two of my really good friends from college. My friend Hannah (pictured in the center) threw a little party at her apartment so I got to catch up with her and my friend Alissa (also pictured) who is in medical school. There was so much food and it was really great to be able to see them both, as our busy scheduled had prevented us from seeing each other since I believe October.

- The first two weekends of the month were relatively tame, but then Valentine's weekend hit and that's where I got incredibly busy. On Thursday, I went to the Blackhawks vs. Dallas game with my friend, Allison. It had been quite some time since I had been to a game (the tickets have been crazy expensive since they won the past Stanley Cups), so it was so awesome to just go and support the boys. We had really great seats right behind the home goal, so it was super cool. One of our other friends was also at the game, so during intermission, we would head out and catch up with her. Unfortunately, the boys lost, but it was a great time nonetheless.
Me and Allison

Our friend Sarah and Allison holding the delicious Big Star nachos I had for dinner
- Friday, I went to a burlesque show with my friend Crystal. It was a really great time, but I didn't take any pictures, so I apologize for that.

- Saturday, we celebrated my bestie Gianna's 22nd birthday. We started out the afternoon with high tea at The Drake hotel downtown. The room, palm court, where they hold tea is absolutely stunning and the whole experience was pretty great. It felt very elegant and the environment was very relaxing, so it was a fantastic way to wind down before heading out for a night of drinks and dancing. I had such a great time that I definitely want to go back. If you've never had tea like this before, I highly recommend it.

SN: All of the food was incredible

The Birthday Girl

Chicago Squad plus two
- Sunday was my little cousin Valentine's 18th birthday. She was born on Valentine's day, so every year we hold a little get together for her. I headed back from the city and over to my Aunt's house. We had dinner and hung out. I was pretty happy about having a low-key day after an eventful couple of days. It also snowed like crazy that day, so it was pretty great to be inside.

Me and the Birthday girl

 - February also marked the third complete month that I've been blogging. I am super proud of the fact that I've stuck with it, and each time I see the number of views (made it past 1,000 views) or social media followers grow it warms my heart. I started this blog to share my journey to, through, and after medical school and to think people might actually be interested is super cool. If you take the time to read what I have to say, I greatly appreciate it. You don't know how much it means to me<3

Looking Forward

    For March, I already have a couple of things that I am planning to do. I also know I'll be hearing more about things for school, so that's pretty exciting. I'll be trying to enjoy my last couple months of freedom (May will definitely be here sooner than I will imagine), and working on getting healthier as I had quite a bit of fun in February. 

I hope you enjoyed the little glimpse into my life. I really enjoy sharing it with you! Have a fantastic rest of the week and an even better weekend. I'll talk to you soon!


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