March Recap 2016

      I feel like I begin every one of these posts by saying that I can't believe how fast the month has gone but seriously, I don't know where time goes because March went by in the blink of an eye. March was very balanced between home time and Chicago time. I was trying to be good and stick to my budget. That was working out pretty well until spring clothing came around (haha), but I really hadn't bought any clothes for myself in a really long time, so I don't feel too bad about it. Overall, it was a fun month. So let's see what I've been up to!

Week One

     The highlight of week one was definitely my girl's night with my bestie, Megan. We hadn't had a one-on-one night in quite some time, so it was definitely overdue. We ordered some Indian food, went dancing, had brunch the next morning, and then walked around the city a bit. It was such a great start to my month and I was really glad to spend time with her. It was reminiscent of high school when I would come over to her house and we would just have a girl's night and have girl talk. Our girl talk sessions have always been one of my favorite parts of our relationship because Megan is a really great listener. I tend to be more on the quiet side, and sometimes can feel a bit lost in groups (it really depends, though!), so one-on-one time helps me feel a little more involved. I had such a great time with her and I was so thankful for our time together.

Our yummy dinner (Ps. Naan is seriously life. If you haven't tried it, you need to!)
A pic from our night out! (Sorry about the quality. Club bathrooms aren't well lit lol)
Can you tell brunch is my favorite meal?

Watertower is one of my favorite spots in the city. I used to work in the mall across the street, so coming back there always reminds me of senior year. It's crazy to think that it was only a year ago!
Week Two

     Week two was rather chill. I had been scheduled to work the weekend, so I didn't really make any plans. I had an impromptu meet up with Elida for a quick drink on Saturday, but we didn't really stay out late. Then Sunday, I went to the America's Beauty Show Convention with my sister. It's a convention for stylists that is held every year in Chicago to show off what salon products different brands have to offer and they also have a lot of cool hair demonstrations. My personal favorite part was our lunch spot afterward. We went to Eleven City Diner which was super cool. It is this diner-style restaurant that offers a mixture of diner and deli-esque food. As St. Patrick's Day Celebrations were in the air (St. Patrick's Day is a really big thing in Chicago), I decided to have a green river float in celebration. Green River is a green pop (soda for my non-Midwesterners) that was invented in Chicago and pays homage to our tradition of dying the Chicago River green for St. Patrick's Day. I had a healthy entree so naturally, dessert was a must. I was blown away by how amazing their red velvet cake was. Em and I shared a slice and omg, I would go back to that place just for the cake. If you are ever in Chicago, I highly recommend that you pay them a visit!

My Green River Float!
The cake of all red velvet cakes! It was well worth the food baby.
Week Three
     For week three, the main event that I had planned was to go bowling with some of my college friends. If you've read last month's recap, you've heard me mention Hannah and Alissa before, and they were the one's that I went bowling with. I was talking about my upcoming bowling date with them to Megan, so I asked her to tag along. I was a bit nervous because sometimes friend groups don't always mesh well, but It went rather well. We had a great time and I think everyone got along really well. Bowling is kind of my tradition with Hannah and Alissa because they were the ones that took me bowling for my first time last year so now we try to do it every so often. I need some practice, but I'm not too shabby for a novice.

This is our regular bowling spot. We love to come here because they have cosmic bowling!

A picture of the group!

Week Four

Week four was Easter weekend, so It was mainly spent at home. Earlier in the week, I met up with my friend Chandler for coffee. She was home from Vet School, so It was nice to catch up with her since I don't get to see her quite often. Saturday, I went to the park with my dad in the afternoon. I went for a run and he flew his kites. He has a few really nice stunt kites that he has had ever since I was little and he always gets so excited to fly them when the weather gets nice. It's kind of adorable to hear him geek out about them and It always makes me smile. I had a really good run that day and then I met up with some girls from work for a night out. We didn't really take pictures but don't worry we still had a good time haha. On Sunday, I spent the day with my family. Aside from being Easter Sunday, it was my dad's birthday. So, my mom made a nice dinner and some of my extended family came over. It was rather relaxed, which is the typical tone for our holidays.

My dad with one of his kites

Me with my sister Eme and my cousin Val

Me and Eme

     Overall, March was a blast. It was pretty neat that the last day of the month actually lined up with this post, so it feels more officially and I don't have to leave anything out.

Looking Ahead

     Next month, I have some fun things planned out. It is also my last full month before beginning my pre-mats program. So, I will be trying to enjoy my freedom as best as I can. I've also been on a healthy. I'm trying to get myself in better shape before medical school, so hopefully this next month it goes pretty well. 

I hope you guys enjoyed seeing what I've been up to for the month of March as I always loving sharing my month. I hope you guys had a great month and that next month is even more amazing! talk to you soon!


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