Oh my goodness! I honestly can't believe it is Christmas eve! I feel like Christmas snuck up on me this year and since my family celebrates on Christmas eve instead of Christmas day, tonight shall be full of lots of festivities and family. What more can anyone ask for? In the spirit of the holiday, I want to share some of the best gifts I've received this year and honestly, I couldn't be more grateful for them.
1.) Time with Family
One of the best parts of being on a gap year has definitely been being at home with my crazies. The last two years of undergrad I didn't have the chance to come home as much, and just being home the past couple months has shown me how much I really missed all the little moments that make me love my family. I remember after first moving back, sitting at our Kitchen table smiling and laughing at my sister's antics and my parents' quirks and just thinking about how much I really missed that when I was away at school. Thankfully, being home the past couple months has allowed me to experience all of that again, and will hopefully make med school next year more manageable.
2.) A Great Support System
I have always been aware that I had really great people in my life, but I feel that this year my support system has really been super evident. The entire medical school process this year has been better because I've had so many people in my corner rooting for me. Every piece of good news my friends would celebrate and having people motivate me through all this has been incredible. Just thinking back to when I was accepted, I couldn't believe all the people that were happy for me, and all I could think was "How did I get so lucky?".
3.) Self Awareness
This has really been a gift to myself this year. As I've had the time to focus on myself and my needs, I've learned to accept myself and also to love myself better. Of course, I still have my rough days and my moments of doubt, but I think I've made a lot of progress from my former self this year and I think I am in a pretty good place.
4.) The Opportunity to Live my Dream
I believe it goes without saying that getting accepted into medical school has been one of the best things that has happened to me this year. It feels like God and the Universe are saying, " Yes! You go, girl! You can get that MD!". I feel exceptionally lucky because it feels like things are falling into place, and the doubts that I had about this all working out are slowly subsiding. There are still quite a few technicalities to figure out but to think that next August I will be walking across a stage to receive my first white coat fills me with delight.
5.) The Present
As a pre-med, I think it's so easy to get caught in the hustle and bustle of your medical school dreams, but I have been much better about enjoying the now and living in the present. All the moments that I have spent this year with the people that I love have made this such an incredible year and I hope I can continue living in the moment once I start med school.
I hope you enjoyed reading about the best gifts I've received this year. I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on the things that have made me feel lucky, and I hope that some of them have been present in your life as well. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!
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