The Waiting Game

     So, we are coming up on almost three weeks since my interview and let me tell you, I cannot wait for the next couple weeks to go by. I checked the application status portal today, and it says the school has reached a final decision and I should be expecting mail within the next two weeks! Despite the fact that this decision is a big one for me, I've been relatively calm. I'm not gonna lie, I've been scoping out apartments in the Chicago neighborhood that I believe I would like to live in if I do end up going to that school, but hey, a girl is welcome to dream right? 

     I think the day dreaming is only amplified by the fact that my best friend just found her apartment in the city and the thought of us being in the same city next year seems like a dream come true. Realistically, I know that I probably won't have the time to go out as much as I would like considering I will be an ever busy medical student, but just the idea of it delights me.

    Honestly, If I don't get into this school, the other school where I was accepted out-of-state is a really great school and I am through the moon excited that they've already accepted me. I'd say one of my least favorite parts of this entire process has been the waiting game. I am such a planner that I love to know what is going to happen next and obviously, this whole process is a matter of waiting and seeing what happens. It has definitely tested my patience, but it has shown me that the best things are worth waiting for and you've got to stay patient:)


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