Wow, I honestly can't believe how fast 2015 has gone by. I still remember celebrating last New Year's eve with my besties and here we are again! One of my favorite parts of celebrating last year was the car ride back. Amidst our sleep deprived car conversation, I remember my best friend, Megan, asking me and our friend Chandler what our goals for the year were. I typically make my own resolutions each year, but to share them with my best friends made the moment feel special and allowed me to see what other people are hoping to get out of the new year. With that in mind, I want to share a couple of my goals for the year, and maybe when I look back at the end of 2016 I can see how many of them actually held true!
1.) Mind, Body, and Spirit Balance.
Every year, I aim to get in shape or to be healthier. While that still holds for this year, I want to incorporate health for myself as a whole in addition to trying to make my body healthy. I think one of the most important things I've learned this year is how these three areas influence our overall person and this year I would like to continually do things every day to benefit each category.
2.) Strive To Be More Daring.
I think this has been something that I have been pretty good at this year as I feel that I've definitely done more to step out of my own comfort zone. So, this year I want to continue working on that. I want to do things without being afraid of what other people think and just aim to live life to the fullest.
3.) Don't Settle for Less.
This goal is aimed at both personal and external situations. Of course, I want to aim to be the best version of myself, but also to not settle for less in the people around me, particularly how others treat me.
4.) Face Life With Positivity.
This is another goal that I had made for myself last year that I have been doing pretty well with. I've noticed that being positive really makes a difference. Of course, I'm not going to say life is all peaches and cream every day, but when you try to look at life in a positive manner you can usually make the best of any situation.
5.) Love More.
In high school, I was a leader for a retreat called Kairos. The talk that I had to give on the retreat was titled "Love in Action" and aimed to speak to how we can show our "love" to others in our everyday lives. I want to be able to do more of that myself this year and focus on doing more to make the world a better place.
6.) Eliminate Clutter.
Oh my, is this one necessary. I have so much stuff that I need to get rid of and I am hoping that this will be the year that I finally get rid of all the unnecessary junk that has been lurking around my living spaces.
7.) Dress Like a Big Girl.
This goal has a lot to do with the goal above as I still have a lot of clothes from high school and my early college years. Now that I am a post-grad soon-to-be medical student, I hope to shift my wardrobe to better fit my medical student profile. I am hoping to get dressier items in my closet as those will be the pieces that I will be wearing under my white coat to go see patients:)
Well, these are my main goals for 2016. I do have smaller or more personal goals that I want to work on, but I thought that the ones above would be good to share. 2015 was a really great year for me, so I am hoping that 2016 will be just as amazing! I will be spending the last night of 2015 dancing the night away with some friends, and I hope you guys have just as much fun as I am planning on having! Have a great holiday, and I'll talk to you guys next year;)