I honestly can't believe that it is time to write this post, because it feels like it was just a little while ago that I was picking my word for 2017. Last year, I picked the word awareness. It was something that I worked (and am still working) on cultivating in my life during the year, and although I still have plenty of work to do on this subject, I feel like I built a solid foundation. For me, 2017 was a year of being aware of the opportunities around me and I can say that I am very proud of myself. It was definitely a year of taking chances and making mistakes, but as one of my recent favorite quotes says,
"...if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before and more importantly, you're doing something."-Neil Gaiman
Looking back, I can say that it was a year full of life and life experiences, and to me, that seems like a year well spent. This upcoming year, is already set with many big career-oriented milestones for me (i.e. finishing my pre-clinical years of medical school and taking my first board exam), so when I was picking a word, I wanted it to fit the vibe of the year. And, the other day when I was reflecting on the year with a friend, what I was hoping for this year popped into my head. I want this year to be the year of "Self." Self-focus, self-love, self-development, self-discovery, but especially self-trust.
For those unfamiliar with the medical field, at the end of M2 year, you have to take an exam called Step 1 in order to progress to your third year. This exam is notorious for being a beast because you are being tested on everything that you've learned in the past two years of medical school. So believe me, it's dauting to think about. But, I always try to keep optimistic that everything happens for a reason and that if I've made it this far, I can make it through the entire thing. I just have to trust that I can do it and let the rest fall into place.
Apart from school, I feel like it's just a good year to build things up in my life. This past November, I turned 25 and it's made me think a lot about what I want to get out of life. It's rather funny because I feel older, but I know that I still have so much life to live. But, I do feel that turning a milestone age makes you reflect more on where you are currently and where you'd like to go moving forward. So, 25 will be a good year for this. I think it's a good year to spend reflecting on myself as a person and to focus on what I need.
I hope this year brings you many great opportunities and that you do focus on yourself as well.
Take care,
- Genesis<3
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